
The Act under part VII, allows, in addition to collusive tendering/ bid rigging for additional public procurement considerations. These considerations are based on the free movement principles of the EAC Treaty, requiring equal treatment and transparency in public tendering, and include:

a) The Partner States including all its organs and institutions and any public authority in the Partner States shall with respect to any law, regulations, procedures or practice regarding public procurement, extend non-discriminatory treatment to all suppliers and to all products or services originating from or affiliated with other Partner States;

b) Technical specifications laying down the characteristics of the products or services to be produced shall not be prepared, adopted or applied with a view to, or with the effect of, creating obstacles to trade between Partner States.

For more information on the subject matter, please contact the Authority

Email: info@eacompetition.org;
Tel.: +255-27-2162100/14.