
Lilian K. Mukoronia

Lilian K. Mukoronia


Lilian K. Mukoronia


Ms. Lilian K. Mukoronia is the Registrar, East African Community Competition Authority (the Authority). She is responsible for the day-to-day management of the affairs of the Authority. Prior to this, Lilian was the Deputy Registrar (Mergers and Acquisitions), EAC Competition Authority.

Lilian holds a Masters of Arts in Economics (University of Nairobi) and a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management Studies (Moi University). She also holds a Diploma in Project Planning and Development Management (Bradford University, UK); and various Certificates in Competition Regulation and Law. 

Previously Lilian worked as a Senior Advocacy Officer in the Competition Authority of Kenya. She was responsible for coordinating the advocacy activities in the Authority, including coordination of regional and international matters related to competition policy and law. 

Lilian also worked as the Head of Mergers Division in the former Monopolies and Prices Commission Department, Ministry of Finance, Kenya. She actively participated in the Peer review on Competition Law and Policy in Kenya by UNCTAD that developed the recommendations that partly informed the enactment of the Kenya Competition Act, No 12 of 2010.


The Act provides that the Authority shall consist of five Commissioners, one Commissioner from each Partner State. The Commissioners were appointed by the Council on the recommendations of the Partner States. The Act provides that there shall be a Registrar of the Authority and such other staff as may be required to enable the Authority to perform its functions employed by the Council responsible for the day to day operations of the Authority. The Commissioners profiles are listed below:

Dr. Adano W. Roba

Dr. Adano W. Roba

Commissioner – Kenya

Dr. Adano W. Roba

Commissioner – Kenya

Dr. Adano W. Roba 

Mr. Innocent Habarugira

Mr. Innocent Habarugira

Commissioner - Burundi

Mr. Innocent Habarugira

Commissioner - Burundi

Mr. Habarugira holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and Economics (Hons) Degree from Tumaini University, lringa – Tanzania. 

Innocent was the Regional Representative at Twitezimbere ASBL Responsible of Twitezimbere ASBL (Bubanza, Cibitoke, Kayanza and Ngozi) from 2006 - 2015. He has also a Project Coordinator at Association de lutte contre la Pauvreté from 2005 - 2006.

Innocent has over ten years’ national experience in conscientious networking and community mobilization that resulted in solving challenges through tenacious and questioning approaches. He has consistently performed to the highest professional standards and a cohesive team player. 

Dr. Didas M. Kayihura

Dr. Didas M. Kayihura

Commissioner – Rwanda

Dr. Didas M. Kayihura

Commissioner – Rwanda

Dr. Kayihura holds a PhD, Master’s in Law (International Business Law) from Utrecht University and a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) Degree from the National University of Rwanda. 

Didas is a Rector, Institute of Legal Practice and Development and a former Dean, Faculty of Law -  University of Rwanda. He has also served as member of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary of Rwanda (2007-2009), member of the Supreme Council of the Prosecutions Department of Rwanda (2007 - 2009), member of the National Steering Committee on Intellectual Property (2007-2009).

Didas is also a member of Rwandan Bar Association, East African Law Society and the Kigali International Arbitration    Centre (KIAC). He was a partner, Head of Business and Commercial Chamber and a practitioner at the Fountain Law Chambers from 2008 to March 2013 before it was dissolved to form Fountain Advocates. 

Mr. Sam Kuloba Watasa

Mr. Sam Kuloba Watasa

Commissioner - Uganda

Mr. Sam Kuloba Watasa

Commissioner - Uganda

Mr. Watasa holds a Master’s in Business Association from Makerere University Business School (Marketing), a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing from Chartered Institute of Marketing U.K. He has attended training courses in utility reform and regulation, international trade policy, negotiations and budget analysis.

Sam was Vice Chairperson, Technical Committee Cluster 5 for reform of commercial laws with the Uganda Law Reform Commission which developed first draft versions of the Competition Bill, Consumer Protection Bill, Trade Licensing Amendment Bill and Investment Bill. He also actively participated in the development of COMESA Competition Law and Regulations.

Sam was also the Executive Director for Uganda Consumers Protection Association for over six years and participated in developing specific sector competition and consumer protection regulation. He was also Vice Chairperson and member of the Technical Petroleum Committee, advisory to the Ministry of Energy for regulation of petroleum supply activities in the downstream sector and developed the current petroleum supply regulations.

Mr. William E. Erio

Mr. William E. Erio

Commissioner - United Republic of Tanzania

Mr. William E. Erio

Commissioner - United Republic of Tanzania

Mr. William E. Erio